“Off the Water” gives a voice to Scottish recreational water users, bringing all aspects of boating together from the National Governing Body, RYA Scotland. In our podcast we will cover a wide range of topics that will be aimed at keeping everyone up to date and connected, while discussing the key hot topics for sailing and boating around Scotland.

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Off The Water - Episode 4 - Our Mental Health
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
In Episode 4 of Off The Water we explore the benefits that our activities have on our Mental Health.
Our presenters Nikki Stewart and Jack Mitchell conduct two deeply insightful conversations around mental health in relation to boating and getting afloat in Scotland. They are joined by Robert Nesbitt, Head of physical activity and sport at the Scottish Association of Mental health ( SAMH ) and Pamela Dewar, the Changing Lives lead for sportscotland.
Robert Nesbitt sets the scene as SAMH proactively promoted resources and raised awareness of mental health during lockdown, linking positive mental health with physical activity. He shares top tips around looking after ourselves when we are unable to get afloat and identifies why our activities can help. (4.10 – 24.00)
Find out more about SAMH's resources below:
Both Jack Mitchell and Robin Nicol, our regional development officers are part of sportscotland’s Changing Lives champion programme which looks at the power sport has in both changing individual lives but also that of communities where it takes place. Pamela Dewar joins Robin and Jack to discuss how the benefits reach much deeper that results alone and explore the why we do what we do. (24.30-53.00)
Find out more about sportscotland's changing lives programme below:
Finally we caught up with Alistair Ireland and talk Virtual Regatta as he helps the Royal Northern and Clyde Yacht Club become the UK’s VR Club Champion and look at how this online sailing game has helped connect our community during lock down. (53.30 -58.00)
Given that the subject is so important we dedicated quite a bit of time this week and have added time codes so you can dip into either interview on the topic.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Off The Water - Episode 3 - Return to Boating
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
In this Off The Water podcast, our presenters Jack Mitchell and Nikki Stewart discuss what moves could see a return to activities again with James Allan CEO of RYA Scotland and Howard Pridding, Director of External Affairs at the RYA.
The RYA in England have moved quickly in issuing guidance to many members, clubs and training centres as restrictions have been eased, while the home countries administrations implement different guidance around easing of lock down restrictions. At time of recording the Scottish Government issued the Routemap to a phased return across sectors and can be found here.
The conversation provides some solid insights into the decision making and guiding principles of the challenges as the community across the UK plan any return to boating.
For further information on all the latest updates on Covid -19 advice from RYA Scotland visit here.
The hosts also look at some of the events which should have taken place and have a round up of some of the Virtual racing that has been taking place.
The full programme of #SailFromHome activities in Scotland can be found here on our online calendar, with sessions daily across many topics also available through the RYA page, here.
Current RYA Training courses available online are here.
A full list of the team contacts are here, so please do get in touch as we welcome your comments and feedback and hope you too can be part of this podcast in the future.
Finally you can stay in touch with all the latest news via our website, www.rya.org.uk/scotland and of course across our social media channels @ryascotland

Sunday May 10, 2020
Off The Water - Episode 2 - RYA Training
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
In the second Off The Water podcast, our presenters Jack Mitchell and Nikki Stewart discuss RYA training and how it is currently being affected by lock-down and what moves could see a return to activities again.
RYA Training is a cornerstone to many clubs and training centres providing safe and successful access to different areas of boating. The hosts are in conversation with coach assessor and former Clipper skipper, Dan Smith who had just registered Scotland's newest training centre, Sailing Intuition, alongside Robyn Phillips, Senior Instructor with Aberdeenshire Sailing Trust and Scottish National Topper Coach, both providing some solid insights into the challenges the sector faces now and as we plan any return to boating.
For further information on all the latest updates on Covid -19 advice visit here.
The latest position paper for RYA Scotland is here.
The full programme of #SailFromHome activities in Scotland can be found here on our online calendar, with sessions daily across many topics also available through the RYA page, here.
Current RYA Training courses available online are here.
A full list of the team contacts are here, so please do get in touch as we welcome your comments and feedback and hope you too can be part of this podcast in the future.
Finally you can stay in touch with all the latest news via our website, www.rya.org.uk/scotland and of course across our social media channels @ryascotland

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Off The Water - An RYA Scotland Podcast for the Scottish Boating Community
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Off The Water aims to provide an audible look at what's going on across the boating community in Scotland from the National Governing Body. Our presenters Jack Mitchell and Nikki Stewart discuss some of the areas affected by the current lock down, with interviews from leading figures and providing some insights into the challenges we face. It is an recreational activity so we have some lighter points and positive stories to listen to while away from your screens.
In the first episode we meet with Stuart Carruthers, the RYA Cruising Manager, catch up on the eSailing experiences provided by Virtual Regatta by talking with the Lockdown Cup winner, Luke Patience and find out what the #sailfromhome programmes are providing for our sailors with Performance Officer, Kate Pounder.
For further information on all the latest updates on Covid -19 advice visit here.
Virtual Regatta Information can be found here.
The full programme of #SailFromHome activities in Scotland can be found here on our online calendar, with sessions daily across many topics also available through the RYA page, here.
A full list of the team contacts are here, so please do get in touch as we welcome your comments and feedback and hope you too can be part of this podcast in the future.
Finally you can stay in touch with all the latest news via our website, www.rya.org.uk/scotland and of course across our social media channels @ryascotland